Monday, July 1, 2024

Calle de Las Setas, Mushroom Street in Alicante, Spain

Strolling down Mushroom Street in Alicante, Spain, locals and tourists alike enjoy the summer weather. Women in skirts and summer clothes, people in jeans, and a bald man in shorts window shopping bring life to this charming street lined with residential buildings, balconies, and unique mushroom statues. Shops like Halal and Michele Croc are open, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.
In 2013, part of Alicante's San Francisco Street was transformed into a whimsical, fantasy wonderland of yellow brick roads, toadstool houses, and towering mushrooms. The purpose of this initiative was to rejuvenate the street and help the businesses in the area during a state of economic decline. The mushroom statues are the work of artist Sergio Martinez, and cost the City of Alicante around €66,000.

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